• Fairview Heights, IL Phone (general inquiries): 618-222-8900
  • Belleville, IL Phone (general inquiries): 618-222-8900
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Angioplasty Specialist

When your coronary artery is blocked by plaque, an angioplasty can restore blood flow and prevent additional health complications. At Advanced Heart Care, with offices in Fairview Heights and Belleville, Illinois, the team of board-certified cardiologists offers comprehensive angioplasty services to improve your heart health and prevent a worsening of your condition. Find out if angioplasty is a treatment option for you by scheduling a consultation online or by calling the office nearest you today.

Angioplasty Q & A

What is angioplasty?

Angioplasty is a surgical procedure to restore the flow of blood through the arteries that have become narrow and hard.

Treatment involves the insertion of a tiny balloon into the clogged part of the artery. Your Advanced Heart Care surgeon then inflates the balloon to widen the artery and permit blood to flow through freely.

Why do I need angioplasty?

Angioplasty may be appropriate if you have an obstruction in your arteries or heart conditions, like coronary artery disease. You may also need an angioplasty as an emergency procedure to restore blood flow to your heart if you suffer a heart attack.

Typically, medications and other nonsurgical treatments are the initial treatment option for a number of heart conditions. However, when these treatments aren’t enough to alleviate your symptoms and improve your heart health, you may benefit from angioplasty.

If you have existing health conditions, such as diabetes, or develop multiple blockages in your arteries, you may not be a good candidate for angioplasty. In these situations, your Advanced Heart Care physician may recommend a bypass surgery.

What can I expect during an angioplasty?

During an angioplasty, you receive light sedation that keeps you awake but free of discomfort or pain. Your Advanced Heart Care surgeon makes a small incision over a blood vessel in your groin, leg, or arm. Through this incision, they insert a small catheter with an attached balloon that travels into the artery until it reaches the blockage.

Your Advanced Heart Care surgeon injects a small amount of dye through the catheter, which highlights the blockage on an X-ray. To sufficiently stretch out the narrowed artery, your surgeon gently inflates the balloon, then deflates it and removes it.

If you have more than one blockage, your surgeon can address others in the same way during your procedure.

How long does it take to recover from angioplasty?

You can expect at least a week of recovery following an angioplasty. Right after your procedure, your Advanced Heart Care physician monitors your heart health and any medications you need to take. You should avoid strenuous activities based on your doctor’s recommendations.

If your surgeon performs an angioplasty as an emergency procedure following a heart attack, you may need a longer recovery period in the hospital.

If you have coronary artery disease or other heart-related conditions, find out if angioplasty is right for you by calling Advanced Heart Care, or you can book an appointment online.

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